Infrastructure Week

We completed our latest XWord Info upgrade and we’ve now settled comfortably into our new home on the Azure cloud. Will you notice or care? Maybe not, but there are many advantages for us and for you. We can now upgrade the site with bug fixes or new features with zero downtime. (It used to… Continue reading Infrastructure Week

Wordlist downloads

We’ve recently had reports that our new logon authentication system on XWord Info has affected Wordlist downloads. Fortunately, the fix is easy. If you’ve recently downloaded a wordlist (particularly an OS/X version apparently) and had problems, 1) log off XWord Info, 2) log back on, 3) download the list again. You should be fine. Once… Continue reading Wordlist downloads

Hello, XWord Blog!

XWord Blog has a unique mission that differentiates it from the other crossword blogs on the web. Rather than analyzing the puzzles of the day, we will focus here on: Broader issues in the world of crosswords. XWord Info tips, tricks, and tours of new features. Jeff Chen will continue to provide his daily thoughts… Continue reading Hello, XWord Blog!